Fast Cash with Natural Gas

Christian DeHaemer

Posted February 7, 2013

I’m sick of this hell-spawn of a recession.

All I hear is people crying into their beer.

Sure, the market is corrupt and run by demented robot children of MIT geeks. Yes, the macro numbers are fixed…

The most recent example is how the incumbent and the banksters pushed forward defense spending for the election that jacked up Q3 GDP and sank Q4 GDP below 1%.

So what if the Fed and the top ten biggest firms on Wall Street stole five or ten trillion dollars from your retirement hopes and your children’s future?

Who cares if the vast majority of voters in this country would rather vote themselves more money at the expense of the whole?

We all know poor people don’t pay taxes because they don’t have any money. Neither do rich people. Heck, they write the rules.

It’s the kulaks that pay taxes, the petit bourgeois. Every tax is de facto a tax on the middle class. Moreover, it always will be.

Sick of It

I’m sick of the DOJ giving guns to Mexican gangbangers and not prosecuting the leaders of UBS, Barkleys, AIG, or the former governor of New Jersey, Corzine. The whole “too big to jail” mess of them needs to be tarred and feathered and rode out of town on a rail.

I’m done with the fat cats like Warren Buffet and Jeffery Immelt wrapped up tight and cozy with the president, just as I was sick of Jack Welch’s retirement package ten years ago. The cronyism is rampant. And it’s not just here…

There are scams in Spain, stupidity in France, hunger in Greece, oligarchs in Russia, ad infinitum…

You can tell them all to stuff it. PEs, PEGs, REITs, Routes, Rollovers, and Rottweilers — I don’t need ’em (well, save that last one).

It’s time for us to go back to the basics and make some fast cash. Who’s with me?

Fast Cash

In my leveraged trading service, my closed 2013 positions are up 72.68% with winners like 127.27% in a month in Ashbury Automotive Group (ABG) calls… 52.78% gains in four trading days from Peabody Energy calls (BTU)… and 38% in a week from Rentech Nitrogen Partners calls.

None of these trades had anything to do with what you might find on CNBC or in Barron’s or in talking to your brother-in-law.

No, these trades were based on good old-fashioned options trading. In fact, I am so confident in my abilities to make you money, I’m going tell you about the trade I put out yesterday to my high-end file for free — just so you can see what it’s like…

Westport Innovations

You may know Westport (NYSE: WPRT). They were the market darling last year.

The company makes truck engines that run on natural gas. Just yesterday, the company got a 900 engine order from Cummings.

There are two basic reasons to buy Westport…

One is that the automotive and trucking fleet is the oldest it’s ever been, going back to the early 1970s. All of these autos must be replaced, as it will cost more to repair them than it will to buy new ones.

The second reason is due to Ben Bernanke’s helicopter of cash, the price of hard items will become more dear.

Oil is a hard item. WTC has been bouncing around $100 a barrel despite the worst economic slump since the 1930s and a massive amount of fracking crude found in the U.S.

The WSJ recently reported gasoline is the highest price at this point in the year that it has ever been.

So when transportation companies buy new trucks (transport stocks are at an all-time high, by the by) they will buy natural gas-powered trucks. In other words, they will buy Westport engines.

Westport grew revenue by 164% last year to $371 million. It is expected to grow sales to $5 billion within five years.

WPRT still has no earnings, but it lost less in Q4 than it did in Q3. If and when they do have a positive EPS, this stock will fly.

As you can tell by this chart, we have a classic pennant formation. The stock gaped up on the first of the year due to new fund buying. It came back down, held its support line, and bounced to $27.39 today on the Cummings bus news.

Volume is down, which tells me most of the sellers are gone. They puked out their shares last June and again in November.

Earnings are expected to come out on March 6. This stock will run up into earnings.

I told my readers to buy the April $29 calls, which are currently trading for $0.70 (symbol: WPRTD20134290000).

As a comparable, the March $26 calls are trading at $1.65. This means if we sell our April calls in the first week of March — and the WPRT stock price is at $30 or above — we will more than double our money.

Got it?

Sweet action.

Christian DeHaemer Signature

Christian DeHaemer

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Christian is the founder of Bull and Bust Report and an editor at Energy and Capital. For more on Christian, see his editor’s page.

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