Global Heavy Shipping Going Carbon-Free

Alex Koyfman

Posted April 25, 2023

Another major piece of the puzzle for green ammonia fell into place last week as a consortium of eight major maritime corporations and institutions signed a memorandum of understanding to examine the feasibility of establishing a bunkering supply chain in the U.S. 

This group is composed of the American Bureau of Shipping (ABS), AP Moller-Maersk, Fleet Management Ltd., Georgia Ports Authority, Maersk Mc-Kinney Moller Center for Zero Carbon Shipping, Savage Services, Sumitomo Corp. and TOTE Services, and their mutual goal is now to establish an ammonia bunkering supply chain in the port city of Savannah, Georgia. 

ammonia ship

Panos Koutsourakis, vice president of global sustainability at ABS, commented: “Ammonia offers ship owners and operators a zero-carbon, tank-to-wake emissions profile. Yet we also recognize that ammonia presents a specific set of safety and technology challenges. We look forward to engaging with the other project members and sharing our industry-leading experience with ammonia-fueled vessels to support the study.”

Savannah is just one port, however. Similar efforts are already underway in the Middle East as well as other parts of Asia, with the goal of decarbonizing the world’s heavy shipping fleets by 50% by the middle of the century. 

Since the Days of Coal, Shipping Has Always Led the Way

From the dawn of the age of fossil fuels, shipping has always been on the cutting edge of propulsion technology.

Right now, ammonia appears to be among the front-runners in a very short list of potential heirs to the marine diesel throne, and for good reason. 

With no carbon emissions on combustion, ammonia is not only clean, but also compatible with most current ICE designs, provided some relatively minor modifications are made.

Ammonia’s potential when applied broadly, goes far beyond heavy shipping. 

With enough supply, ammonia could be used to replace not just marine diesel, but gasoline as well, and could be used on the world’s roads and highways in ordinary, privately owned and operated vehicles. 


The potential to protect the environment in a manner that is itself efficient and doesn’t require major changes to existing infrastructure is enormous, so the natural question is: Why hasn’t this happened already?

The answer is simple. 

While ammonia has been with us forever and has even been known and used as a fuel in certain specialized applications, its traditional production method is anything but clean.

Green Ammonia: The Inflection Point

Green ammonia — ammonia produced using just electricity, water, and air — is the innovation that completely changed the calculus when it comes to ammonia as a potential mainstream fuel. 

Today, green ammonia provides a real-world carbon-minimizing alternative to fossil fuels… something lithium-ion, in its present state, cannot claim. 

Keith Kohl, investment director of Angel Publishing’s biggest premium financial newsletter, Technology and Opportunity, has been following the green ammonia story since well before it started making waves in the mainstream media. 

Always on the lookout for the best investment angle, he’s designed a perfectly balanced approach to riding this newly emerging market. 

Two companies, one large and established and the other small and largely experimental, both stand on the tip of the green ammonia spear… One will make safe yet substantial gains as the ammonia sector begins to transform, and the other may just see 10x growth by the middle of the decade. 

Those may be big claims, but moments like this don’t come around often in history. 

In 10 Years, You'll Either Be Grinning Ear to Ear… Or Kicking Yourself

It’s during times of rapid change, however, that the real fortunes are made. 

I’ve seen Keith’s plan, and I think it’s worth your time to take a look. 

He’s boiled it down to a quick, easy-to-understand video accessible instantly, right here

What you learn may surprise you, and just may change your thinking on the future of energy as a whole. 

Get the full story here before Forbes or Fortune magazine takes this story global. 

Once that happens, the big gains will already be off the table.

Fortune favors the bold,

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Alex Koyfman

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