GOP Hopeful Says Something Stupid

Jeff Siegel

Posted May 7, 2014

“I’d rather see another terrorist attack – truly I would – than to give up my liberty as an American citizen.”

These are the words that fell from the mouth of GOP congressional candidate Bob Johnson when discussing the TSA during a campaign appearance.

ttssaaAlthough I’m not going to sit here and defend some of the tactics used by TSA agents, I’m also not so insensitive to suggest there’s a valid choice between a TSA pat down and the bombing of the World Trade Center.

Nearly 3,000 innocent Americans lost their lives on that day. It is beyond disrespectful to trivialize those deaths by making such a crass statement.

Johnson did respond to his statement later, saying…

“I’m very passionate about the ideals of liberty, freedom and maintaining a strong national defense, and these conservative ideals shouldn’t be at odds with each other. In the heat of the moment, while making the point that I would much rather fight the enemy than our federal government, I said something stupid and should have chosen my words more carefully.”

Based on his response, my initial reaction is this. . .

1.) Indeed, his words should have been chosen more carefully.
2.) Although Johnson’s passion may have gotten the best of him (and it happens to all of us), saying “I would rather fight the enemy than our federal government” shows that Johnson may not be willing to consider that sometimes, the enemy is the federal government.

Just something to consider.

I’m not saying Johnson’s intentions aren’t honorable, but if I were a voter in Georgia, I’d ask him to clarify that statement. Certainly I wouldn’t want someone in office who would balk at fighting the enemy if that enemy is the federal government.

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