Green Chip Stocks

Jeff Siegel

Posted January 12, 2016

I admit it…

I bought one.

I bought a Powerball ticket.

Of course, I’m not so naïve to think that I’ll actually win. But that’s not why I bought the ticket.

I didn’t buy a Powerball ticket because I really believe that I’ll wake up tomorrow with $1.4 billion. I bought it because it’s cheap entertainment.

2 Bucks

A Powerball ticket costs two bucks.

For that two dollars, I bought myself about two hours’ worth of entertainment.

You see, once I walked out of 7-11 with that Powerball ticket, the entertainment began. Almost immediately, my mind wandered in and out of a fantasy world where, after taxes, I had about $560 million to play with.

Oh, the things I’d do with that money!

It’s everyone’s fantasy.

Paying off all your debts, traveling the world, buying a new house and new cars. Helping out family and friends. Donating to charity. Investing in private deals that, until you became a millionaire, weren’t available to you.

You can spend hours in this dream world. And it’s fun. It’s cheap entertainment, and it can help you take your mind off reality for a while.

Although the truth is, you really don’t have to win the lottery to become wealthy.

I’m not saying you’re going to make half a billion dollars overnight. But let’s face it — even if you made an extra hundred thousand this year, you could accomplish quite a bit. And really, making an extra hundred thousand isn’t particularly difficult.

What’s Your Move?

I got into the world of finance in 1994.

I’ve seen ups and downs, booms and busts, and through it all, I always manage to come out ahead. And there’s one simple reason for this…


Let me explain…

You see, there’s this great scene in one of the episodes of Boardwalk Empire where Nucky Thompson tells Arnold Rothstein that he doesn’t know what his next move should be following an attack from the feds and some enemy gangsters.

Rothstein gives him excellent advice, telling him to do nothing because he has “no move.”

Check it out:

I’ve made my living, Mr. Thompson, in large part as a gambler. Some days I make 20 bets. Some days I make none. Weeks, sometimes months in fact, when I make no bets at all because there simply is no play. So I wait, plan, marshal my resources and when I finally see an opportunity and there is a bet to make, I bet it all.

Right now the broader market is acting like a scared child with schizophrenia. And for good reason.

The oil market has become an enigma, China may finally be starting to crack, and every time you turn on the television, groups of people are being blown up by psychopaths.

The U.S. is waist-deep in the muck-filled waters of campaign season, North Korea may have successfully detonated its first hydrogen bomb, and it doesn’t seem like the violence in the Middle East will ever stop.

Most investors right now, as Arnold Rothstein would say, have no move.

That being said, there are a select few that are about to go all in — because the timing is actually perfect.

Who are these folks, and where are they putting their money?

You may be surprised to learn that these people are what we call green chip investors, and they’re loading up on green chip stocks. These are investments in things like renewable energy, organic foods, legal marijuana, and socially responsible investing.

To some, this may just sound like a bunch of hippie-dippy nonsense. But to those on the inside, this is the stuff that turns regular investors into millionaires. Why else do you think guys like Warren Buffett, Mark Zuckerberg, and Bill Gates have invested billions in green chip investments?

This isn’t about saving the planet (although it’s sure as hell a nice bonus); this is about making money, plain and simple.

To a new way of life and a new generation of wealth…

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Jeff Siegel

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Jeff is the founder and managing editor of Green Chip Stocks. For more on Jeff, go to his editor’s page.

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