How to Increase Your Chance of Success with Biotech Stocks

Monica Savaglia

Posted April 16, 2019

We all have busy schedules, so our spare time is precious. Trust me, I know. That is why I only make time for things that will benefit me in return.

Maybe that sounds a little selfish, but it’s completely valid. Why give something your attention if you aren’t enjoying it or gaining anything from it?

With that being said, I want you to know that there’s a special webinar happening this week on Thursday, April 18 at 1 p.m. (ET)/10 a.m. (PT). The event is something that doesn’t happen often, and the only reason I’m discussing it now is because it’s going to benefit you in return. And, even better, it’s a free event.

Before I get into details about the free webinar, I want to shift this article toward a biotech company called Dermira. Mostly, I want to discuss this company because it’s one of many biotech companies experiencing shocking profits.

Plus, discussing Dermira will give you a slight introduction into similar biotechs so you can be prepared for the webinar on April 18, which will go more in depth on these shocking biotech profits and how you can identify them.

What Is Dermira?

Dermira (NASDAQ: DERM) is a California-based biopharmaceutical company, founded in 2010, that is dedicated to bringing ingenuity to medical dermatology.

Patients are suffering every day from dermatological diseases, whether it is apparent or not. Their pain is there, and living your life with a disease and no way to manage it is incomprehensible. Dermira wants to understand and address the needs from both patients and physicians in order to develop leading medical dermatology clinical programs.

This year, Dermira announced positive results for its Phase 2b dose-ranging study of lebrikizumab — an investigational therapy — in adult patients with moderate-to-severe atopic dermatitis, or inflammation of the skin. Examples of dermatitis include eczema, dandruff, and rashes that are caused by contact with substances like poison ivy, soaps, and jewelry. Being inflicted with dermatitis can lower your self-esteem in addition to being extremely uncomfortable.

Last year, the company received approval of Dermira’s first medication, QBREXZA™ cloth, which is now available to prescribe in the U.S. I just saw a commercial for this cloth over the weekend. This is the first and only prescription cloth towelette that is used to treat excessive underarm sweating.

Dermira not only had its QBREXZA cloth approved by the FDA, but it is the first therapy to treat excessive underarm sweating. This kind of news and FDA approval has made its investors happy. And it’s the kind of news you want to hear when you’re invested in small biotech stocks like Dermira.

Once the news of Dermira’s success and its FDA approval emerged, it didn’t take long for its stock to show the effects of that news. In fact, it was almost instant. Share prices soared after the news. Dermira’s stock increased 57% over the past three months. And over the past 30 days, its shares have recorded a 68% gain. Analysts have said that this is a stock you should be watching out for because of its massive surge. Dermira is up 62% since the start of this year.

How to Pinpoint the Chance of Success

It would be useful if there were some type of tool that could pinpoint events like the ones that made Dermira’s stock increase — better yet, to know when these events will happen before they actually do.

These kinds of events happen more than you know. And that means if you know when these events are happening and what they’re about, it could lead you to double- or triple-digit returns.

Not a lot of people have access to this information, but my colleague Jason Stutman has been researching and following the biotech industry for years. There’s nowhere else in the market where traders will find the types of returns that development-stage biotech companies can offer. That is just one reason Jason started building a network of doctors, analysts, and former bench scientists who work closely with these kinds of biotech companies.

Along with this huge and knowledgeable network of people working with the biotech industry, Jason has constructed a private calendar that indicates critical dates that will help you understand the catalysts involved with these biotechs. You can use those catalysts to your advantage and make some profits for yourself.

This is a rare opportunity, and I wouldn’t be sharing it with you if I didn’t think it would be useful to you and your future in investing. Join Jason’s webinar — take 40 minutes out of your day to better your financial future while also learning a little something on the way.

Click here to learn more about the webinar and to reserve your seat at this completely free event! This is your opportunity for fast and easy biotech returns without the hassle!

Don’t forget! Thursday, April 18 at 1 p.m. (ET)/10 a.m. (PT). Set a reminder on your phone because this webinar is going to have a lasting effect on how you invest, your portfolio, and your financial future.

Until next time,

Monica Savaglia Signature Park Avenue Digest

Monica Savaglia

Monica Savaglia is Wealth Daily’s IPO specialist. With passion and knowledge, she wants to open up the world of IPOs and their long-term potential to everyday investors. She does this through her newsletter IPO Authority, a one-stop resource for everything IPO. She also contributes regularly to the Wealth Daily e-letter. To learn more about Monica, click here.

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