Israel’s War Is Spilling Over — We’re Going In

Jason Simpkins

Posted December 5, 2023

There was a sudden gush of optimism last week when Israel and Hamas paused fighting for a few days to exchange prisoners. 

But I didn’t buy it for a second, and this past weekend shows you why. 

After reducing the northern section of the Gaza strip to rubble, Israel has now turned its attention to the south. 

Israeli forces have killed more than 15,000 Palestinians and arrested almost 8,000 more. And now, about 2 million people have been driven to an even smaller area of the blockaded territory, which is just 25 miles long and 7.5 miles wide. 

The missile strikes have been callous, if not indiscriminate, and now a humanitarian crisis wrought by the lack of food, water, medical supplies, and power is being exacerbated by unsanitary living conditions and disease. 

So the situation is still bad, and it’s going to get even worse when the IDF launches its ground invasion. 

Indeed, the risk of a major retaliatory terrorist attack and broader regional conflict only increases the longer this drags on, the higher the death toll rises, and the more apparent the suffering becomes. 

And in fact, we’ve already seen quite a few attacks that I’d say have gone under-reported.

For example, did you know that there have been 74 attacks on U.S. and coalition troops in Iraq and Syria since October 17?

The most recent attack targeted three shipping vessels and a U.S. destroyer in the Red Sea. 

Two bulk carriers were struck by missiles and a third was hit by a seaborne drone. Additionally, the USS Carney shot down a drone as it responded to the distress calls.

That was just days after a similar attack in the region, in which the same Iranian proxy group fired two missiles at the another American destroyer, the USS Mason, as it came to the aid of a commercial vessel that was fighting off a pirate attack.

Fortunately no one was killed in either of these incidents, but it’s only a matter of time before one does lasting or irreparable damage.

At the very least, they beget retaliation.

U.S. forces carried out three retaliatory strikes against Iranian-backed forces over the course of a day last week. That was the second spate of retaliatory strikes, following the first round in late October.

Iran’s Revolutionary Guards also recently said two of its officers were killed by Israeli airstrikes in Syria.

Again, though these incidents are relatively mild, they are still inflammatory and almost certain to escalate. 

They definitely haven’t gone unnoticed.

Sen. Tom Cotton is among a growing number of politicians calling for a “massive retaliation” against Iran.

He also sent a letter directly to the president calling out the increasing military cooperation between Iran and Russia, which is a significant threat to global stability and U.S. interests.

The two countries have long collaborated to undermine their respective U.S. sanctions. However, the relationship has also blossomed to the point that Russia is helping Iran develop its nuclear capabilities, while Iran furnishes Russia with drones and other equipment to aid its invasion of Ukraine.

Both have remained formidable as a result. With U.S. resolve flagging in Ukraine, Russia is beginning to resuscitate its invasion. 

And any significant military action against Iran would have to overcome the country’s arsenal of long-range cruise missiles, advance anti-aircraft systems, naval mines, and the most capable unmanned aerial vehicles in the region.

It would also greatly destabilize the global economy and especially the energy market. 

So don’t think this war is simply confined to the Gaza Strip. 

It’s spreading and increasingly drawing us in. 

The whole region runs the risk of devolving into a bloodbath. 

That’s a risk investors ought to prepare for and even profit from by investing in the latest war-fighting technology — something I cover in-depth in my Secret Stock Files trading service, which you can learn more about here.

Fight on,

Jason Simpkins Signature

Jason Simpkins

Simpkins is the founder and editor of Secret Stock Files, an investment service that focuses on companies with assets — tangible resources and products that can hold and appreciate in value. He covers mining companies, energy companies, defense contractors, dividend payers, commodities, staples, legacies and more…

In 2023 he joined The Wealth Advisory team as a defense market analyst where he reviews and recommends new military and government opportunities that come across his radar, especially those that spin-off healthy, growing income streams. For more on Jason, check out his editor’s page.

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