Jim Rogers: $2000 Gold is a "Given"

Brian Hicks

Posted October 6, 2010


According to commodities guru Jim Rogers gold will reach $2,000 and ounce within the next ten years.

Appearing yesterday, with CNBC’s Maria Bartiromo Rogers said:

“Gold is going to go a lot higher over the next decade. It may slow down for a while because it’s run up so dramatically here in the last few weeks. But gold’s going to be much higher,” Rogers said. “Adjusted for inflation it should be well over $2,000 now. When I say something like it’s going to 2,000 in 10 years it’s not a very dramatic statement given the state of the world. I’m sure it’s a given.”

He also sees another recession by 2012 and the existence of a bond bubble. His advice, naturally, is to buy commodities.

In fact, Rogers told Maria:

 “If the world economy gets better I’m going to make money in commodities,” Rogers said. “If the world’s economy doesn’t get better I’m going to make money in commodities, because (the Fed is) going to print money.”


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