Lithium 2.0?

Alex Koyfman

Posted July 11, 2023

Artificial intelligence may be the hottest thing in speculative investing this year, but if I had to choose something a bit more under the radar, something a bit better understood and more consistently projected to grow for years on end, AI wouldn’t be the first item on my list.

Instead, I would go with something that’s been building up for years, gradually ramping up into that universally sought-after "hockey stick" pattern. 

It would have to be something that modern consumers already depend on. Nothing too new, but nothing too old. 

There would have to be lots of catalysts working in favor of the bullishness to achieve that hockey stock, so those catalysts would have to already be strong and undeniable.

Putting all that together, there’s really only one option remaining: lithium.

lithium demand

As a critical metal found at the heart of the vast majority of today’s rechargeable batteries, demand for lithium is predicted to grow by a factor of six by the end of the next decade as the electric vehicle market starts to slowly push ICE vehicles into the history books.  

This Is Why It's Called "White Gold"

Unlike AI, which could easily move into a bubble state — and, in fact, probably already is in that bubble state — we know what to expect from lithium. 

The only question is… How do you take this well-established projection and turn it into profit?

The lithium revolution covers everything from mining companies to battery-producing giants like CATL, LG Energy, and BYD. 

Many of the known players in the battery game are already multibillion-dollar companies with huge clients including all of today's biggest EV manufacturers. 

You can buy their stock online and watch it go up and down, trending upward for the next several years. 

You could buy lithium mining ETFs or, if you’re particularly brave, junior mining stocks.

Or you could find a company that’s doing something new in the field and could start rising from anonymity to superstar status at any moment…

A company that's seeking to disrupt a rapidly expanding market, the same way that DVDs disrupted VHS… the same way that gasoline disrupted coal.

Put on Your Big-Boy Skirt, Cupcake

In an all-but-guaranteed field like lithium, there are nevertheless some incredible speculative opportunities where all the planets are simply aligned. 

Let me illustrate the point a bit.

One company I discovered has figured out a way to create some of the world’s best cathode material using less energy, while producing a vastly superior product. 

Sounds boring, but the cathode is the operative part of every battery — it's where the flow of electrons begins.

This new production method allows for the mixing of all the cathode elements, including lithium, iron, magnesium, cobalt, nickel, and carbon, in a single process, whereas in the past it required three distinct processes with three unique sets of equipment. 

The resulting cathodes are better made all the way down to a microscopic level, ensuring better batteries further down the supply chain.

I’m talking faster charging, higher capacities, and a much longer overall life expectancy…

Maybe even a million miles or more for your typical EV, which means the battery would outlast most, if not all, of the vehicle’s other major systems. 

Now, all of this is great, and so is the fact that this cathode-maker isn’t anywhere near the 10-, 11-, and 12-figure valuations of the competition, despite having a potentially disruptive product. 

But perhaps more critical than anything is that this cathode producer is based in North America, in Vancouver, British Columbia. 

This is of vital importance because for the last three decades, the fastest-growing force in the world’s battery industry has been the Chinese Communist Party. 

It's THE Strategic Resource of the 21st Century

Today, the Chinese process more lithium and build more batteries than anybody, and believe me, the fact that it’s a major strategic advantage isn’t lost on the CCP.combined chinese lithium images

That makes any North America cathode producer not just a powerful competitor, but a weapon against foreign influence. 

Like I said before, this company is worth just a tiny fraction of what the Chinese and Korean giants are, but with its technological, patent-protected advantages, it’s easily got the same multibillion-dollar valuation potential. 

Perhaps in as little as a year, you could be seeing major movement on the stock, but for you to see anything at all, you first need to know what to look at. 

To get more information on this next-generation lithium stock, check out this quick little video. 

You’ll learn a thing or two about why the battery industry isn’t what it’s seems and how this little advanced materials company could swing the pendulum away from the current Chinese battery hegemony.

No registration required. Just click, view, and learn.

Fortune favors the bold,

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Alex Koyfman

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His flagship service, Microcap Insider, provides market-beating insights into some of the fastest moving, highest profit-potential companies available for public trading on the U.S. and Canadian exchanges. With more than 5 years of track record to back it up, Microcap Insider is the choice for the growth-minded investor. Alex contributes his thoughts and insights regularly to Energy and Capital. To learn more about Alex, click here.

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