Medical Science Creates First True Superhuman Power

Alex Koyfman

Posted July 31, 2015

Science fiction has long been entertaining us with stories of superhuman strength, powers, and abilities.

Before the genre of science fiction even existed, in fact, the idea of a homo-superior was woven into storytelling.

The most novice fan of classic mythology is familiar with Hercules, Achilles, Perseus, and all of their godlike and demigod-like brethren.


Whether it’s Odysseus or Superman, the common themes are extraordinary capabilities, courage, some well-placed fatal flaws, and always a moral dilemma or two. The genre has been captivating audiences of all ages for millennia.

But it’s only recently that science has been able to put some of that fictional inspiration into the realm of practical possibility.

Writers and storytellers usually tailor their superhero characters to real human fears and frailties.

People fear mortality, so our heroes are unkillable.

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People fear weakness, both physical and mental, so our heroes have unimaginable strength and willpower.

People fear evil, so we get heroes whose virtues and commitment to justice are unbendable.

But of all the fears we humans have, perhaps none is more profound, universal, and ubiquitous than the fear of disease.

Most of our heroes, both ancient and modern, are models of health and fitness — so it makes sense that medical science, in its first true efforts to create a real-life superhuman, would start by augmenting the one part of our anatomy that is most influential to health: the immune system.

Cancer: the Deadly Lottery

Today, the progress they are making in this field is about to take a step that just a few decades ago would have seemed no less fantastic than bulletproof skin or instantly regenerating flesh.

And the target of this superhuman ability is one of mankind’s most feared diseases: cancer.

To understand how the researchers and scientists behind this very real medical breakthrough targeted this disease, you need to understand a little bit about how cancer works.

Naturally, our immune systems are very effective at destroying cancer cells without any help whatsoever.


As is the case with any foreign or mutated cell, white blood cells seek out and kill cancer cells on a regular basis — in all of us.

Each and every one of us, you and me included, owe our lives to this immune response.

Over the course of our lives, this natural mechanism saves each one of us hundreds, even thousands of times from the deadly disease by destroying cancer cells before they get a chance to divide and form tumors.

All it Takes is One

The reason cancer kills is because every so often, one of these cancer cells — which usually stick out to leukocytes like sore thumbs — evolves an “invisibility” trait.

Once a cancer cell mutates this characteristic, it becomes invisible to the body’s natural defenses and can then go on to divide, invade internal organs, spread to other systems within the body, and eventually kill.

This fatal flaw doesn’t rear its head often, but it’s still prevalent enough to kill millions globally every year, render millions more temporarily or permanently disabled, and cost close to a quarter-trillion dollars in treatment and therapy for its suffers.

I do not need to explain the seriousness of cancer because just about all of us have known people who have dealt with or succumbed to it.

Up until now, the two most common approaches to dealing with this family of ailments has been chemo or radiation therapy.

However, in many cases, these treatments are as bad as the disease itself.

The side effects from these procedures — which essentially poison both the cancer and the healthy organism in hopes of killing off the tumors first — are so well known and so highly feared that many people, once given a terminal prognosis, choose to forgo it altogether, preferring instead to maintain quality of life for however long they have.

That has been the story of cancer up until this day. Aside from the advent of radiation and chemotherapy, which were both pioneered in the first half of the 20th century, there has been no significant progress in finding a cure.

Just more drugs to improve the comfort level of the patient, while the cancer continues to eat away from the inside.

Enter “Super-Immunity”

Today, however, this paradigm is being challenged.

A small Canadian biotech company, working together with researchers at the University of British Columbia, is now on pace to start FDA testing on a groundbreaking new innovation in 2016.

And the way it works is as simple to explain as it gets.

These scientists have found a chemical that can “reflag” cancer cells carrying the invisibility mutation — allowing the immune system to get back to work and destroy the invasion as it was naturally intended to.

It’s been called “super-immunity,” and once the treatment is approved for commercialization, the end result is nothing short of a cancer vaccination…

A vaccine that, administered preemptively to healthy individuals, could very well eradicate the disease forever in all of its forms.

Once again, I don’t think I need to get into specifics for you to understand just how this could affect society — one way or another, we’ve all been touched by it.

The Holy Grail of Modern Medicine?

The company working on this cure is small… tiny, in fact. However, it’s closer than ever to finally cracking this timeless code, already achieving positive results in lab conditions.

Once it happens, you can bet its name and patents will become the talk of the medical community overnight.

Big Pharma will follow closely behind, most likely taking this company from its current sub-$10 million market capitalization to hundreds of millions or even billions of dollars in valuation.

That is, if they’ll be able to afford the stock after the story gets around the financial community.

Stories this big have a way of gaining momentum behind the scenes and then running away the moment a big headline appears.

I’ve recently completed a detailed report on this company, the technology, and the opportunity.

It could be one of the most important discoveries of my career, but I don’t expect it to stay quiet for much longer.

So get the full story on this company by clicking right here. The presentation is free and available right now.

Fortune favors the bold,

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Alex Koyfman

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