Our Readers Speak Out

Briton Ryle

Posted March 28, 2018

Between the articles I write here in Wealth Daily and the recommendations and trades I send to my subscribers, I interact with a few hundred thousand individual investors a week. You’d think I’d get a lot of emails. 

Because, after all, I lay it on the line pretty often. Here in Wealth Daily, I write about what will happen next for the stock market on a pretty regular basis. And I offer up stocks that I like from time to time.

I usually do a pretty good job with the stocks I suggest here. But for every Loxo Oncology (NASDAQ: LOXO) and Twitter (NYSE: TWTR) — both of which have done well for Wealth Daily readers — there might be a J.C. Penney (NYSE: JCP) — ummm, not so much…

So you’d think I’d get more mail. Really, it gets lonely out here in internet guru-land sometimes.  

I know, I know, poor me, right? 

My point is not that I need validation or confirmation. Any guru worth his or her salt has to have two things: confidence and a thick skin. I can tell you I got both in spades. But there’s more to it than that. 

I firmly believe that my business — the newsletter industry — serves a vital function for today’s investors. Let’s face it: Wall Street investment banks don’t serve the average individual investor. The Goldman Sachs and JP Morgans of the world are geared toward high-net-worth clients and trading their own accounts. Tell ’em you got 40 or 50 grand to invest, and they’ll tell you there’s a really nice S&P 500 index fund you’ll like.

Top of the Heap

You walk into an Edward Jones office and ask them how to invest your money, and you’ll end up getting charged a couple percent to have your money in a bland cross-section of those very same index funds.

Ask the sales rep what he thinks about how Apple’s earnings will go, or what the outlook for oil prices and stocks are, and you’ll get a blank look and then some song and dance about how any diversified portfolio will allocate a certain percentage to technology and oil. 

Bottom line: They don’t “do” analysis on individual stocks or sectors. They really are just sales reps, there to sell a package of index funds that will keep your money growing with the general trend of the market, but also keep you from ever truly outperforming. I mean, if you pay 1% to be in an S&P 500 fund, how are you ever going to beat that index and its 8% average yearly gain?

Quite simply, you can’t…

And that’s where the good folks at Angel Publishing come in. 

My fellow editors and I spend all day, every day (and some hours on the weekend) scouring the market, analyzing charts, reading white papers and quarterly earnings reports, digesting Fed press releases, and talking to CEOs and other analysts in order to bring you investments that can actually help you beat the S&P 500 and grow your wealth in a way that can truly lead to a better financial life. 

And here’s the thing: We don’t get paid commissions on the investments you make. Companies don’t pay us to push their stocks, either. We get paid from your subscription fees to our newsletters and services. Every single one of them comes with a very generous refund policy. So if our performance doesn’t meet your expectations, you can get every cent of your money back.

If Goldman Sachs gets you to buy a stock that tanks, go ahead and ask them for your money back. They’ll look at you like you have two heads. Get your money back? Yeah, that’s just not how it works.

Except, of course, with us…

Performance Talks, BS Walks

I’ll tell you right now: There is no better motivator, no greater incentive to hone your edge and excel at your craft, than the simple reality that if you don’t perform, you don’t eat. 

And that’s why emails like this one that I got the other day are so rewarding:

Jason I just want to commend you on your “reading viewers mail” today 3/23/18. You and Brit have taught me a lot the last few years and I don’t speak up often….but reading your generous and honest replies to a variety of reactions was extraordinary. Thanks for all your work. Its more often than not enlightening. Brit, too, of course You guys are at the top of the heap. Grateful for you both. Have a great weekend

Yes, it’s addressed to my partner at The Wealth Advisory, Jason Williams (though I did get an honorable mention). Jason and I work so closely together that his success is my success, and vice versa. 

But even that pales in comparison to the success our subscribers enjoy. We’re averaging 43% gains on each and every stock in The Wealth Advisory’s portfolio. We’ve crushed the S&P 500 every year since the financial crisis, a 10-year streak that no mutual fund can match.

Jason and I know our performance is good. We’re good at what we do, and the numbers show it. Still, that’s nothing. Hearing that we make a difference in our readers’ lives is the true reward. So thanks for that, and you can bet we’ll keep working as hard as ever.

Until next time,

brit''s sig

Briton Ryle

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A 21-year veteran of the newsletter business, Briton Ryle is the editor of The Wealth Advisory income stock newsletter, with a focus on top-quality dividend growth stocks and REITs. Briton also manages the Real Income Trader advisory service, where his readers take regular cash payouts using a low-risk covered call option strategy. He is also the managing editor of the Wealth Daily e-letter. To learn more about Briton, click here.

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