Play It Safe with Apple, Dividends, and Gold

Brian Hicks

Posted August 4, 2012

You’d be foolish to ignore the signs in a bear market like this — and right before a historic election, nonetheless.

Trust me, you’ll be thankful you took a break from summer vacation to hone in on these details before the Fed makes a final decision on QE3, expected in early September, and before America nominates its 45th president on November 6th…

I’m talking about Apple.

I’m talking about gold.

And I’m excited about dividend options.

Don’t Wait

When it comes to taking risks with my hard-earned income, I don’t trust inconsistency and I don’t like to play guessing games by trying to factor in unknown and unpredictable variables.

I’m willing to bet you don’t, either.

But who can you trust these days?

You can’t trust the markets. You can’t trust the economy. And you certainly can’t trust the government.

You’ve only got yourself to fall back on.

The good news is you still have some power to protect your wealth by making proactive investment decisions.

Sure, the Fed may put a damper on things via poor monetary policy, and the government may force you to give them an ever-growing portion of your wealth…  

But you can do something about it.

Even the most powerful investors, bankers, and politicians can’t control some of the big-picture truths of macroeconomics.

And while you can’t predict how all the nonsensical political bantering will affect your personal finances in the year to follow, you have the power over your own decision-making as it relates to the constants: the investment opportunities with historic uptrend patterns, regardless of economic calamity.

Tried and True

Hence, why I mentioned Apple earlier.

With an already solid $117 billion in the bank, Apple is expected to expand to $200 billion in a year’s time.

apple revenue growth

It’s a smart, sophisticated, innovative, and competitive company with enough loose change lying around to buy the entire American automobile industry, while still keeping a cool $60 billion left untouched in the bank.

Brian Hicks recently told Wealth Daily readers why he believes Apple is approximately 50% undervalued.

Just this week, AAPL mentioned potentially investing in Twitter, one of today’s most powerful and influential social media networking sites. Tag on the hype surrounding the impending iPhone 5 release, and you’ve got a serious rally in the making.

Like I said, they’re smart and they’re financially responsible. Their annual net profit is as much as McDonald’s total annual sales.

Does it get any better than that?

Apparently, it does… Brian Hicks released a report on Thursday directing readers to an obscure investment offering more than 4x what Apple currently pays at its dividend.

I also mentioned gold.

This fool-proof safe-haven is on the rise once again in anticipation of yet another dose of quantitative easing, or QE3.

If you don’t own gold right now, you’ll want to have some by September — before the Fed officially announces their repeat plans. When that happens, the value of the dollar will fall and inevitably push gold up as investors rush to the yellow metal as a hedge against inflation.

You’ll want to make sure you’ve got your hands on gold before the mad dash ensues.

Besides gold, securing high-yield dividends before September is a safe, solid way to pad your portfolio…

If you buy Apple stock before Wednesday, Aug. 8, 2012, at 8:00 p.m. (after hours), you will receive Apple’s $2.65 dividend, payable Aug. 16, 2012.

Other high-yielding stocks include Inergy (NRGY), with a dividend yield of 7.81%; New York Community Bancorp (NYB), with a dividend yield of 7.71%; Linn Energy (LINE), with a dividend yield of 7.32%; DCP Midstream Partners (DPM), with a dividend yield of 6.08%; EV Energy Partners (EVEP), with a dividend yield of 5.54%; and Heath Care REITH (HCN), with a dividend yield of 4.78%.

If you really want something with timeless value, you simply can’t look past the precious metals market. Despite some losses this week due to ECB disappointments, I won’t be banking on them staying down come summer’s end.

So you know what you’ve got to do before September: Secure dividends. And go for gold.

Best wishes for a prosperous future,

Brittany Stepniak
Analyst, Wealth Daily

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