Profit From the Peak Energy Conference

Brian Hicks

Posted September 19, 2007

Before I get started, I have to get something off my chest. Something I’ve been telling everyone I run into since I poured my first cup: The coffee at the Loews Hotel in Philadelphia is the best in town. Period.

I don’t care how many Philadelphians love their double caramel macchiato. If they ever discover how rich and flavorful the Loews regular coffee is–just the regular coffee–the Starbucks across the street, with all of its fancy-named, high-priced drinks, is out of business.

That’s not to say I needed a cup heading into the second day of the Angel Research Profit from the Peak Summit, mind you.

Who needed caffeine anyway? After the scores of companies Brian, Luke and Sam detailed for us Friday, investors here were amped on their own.

Why, just during Friday’s 50 minute panel discussion, they revealed so many plays, tips and tricks on how to take advantage of the current $80 (and rising) oil price that a master of shorthand couldn’t keep up. I’m going to need to wait for the CDs to count them all.

And these ideas hit multiple angles too, from oil sands and rising gold prices to how to play the dollar and overseas construction. There was even a coffee play mentioned.

They gave us so many ticker symbols that by 5:30 our hands were cramping up and our notebooks were running out of space.

But it turns out that it would only be a warm-up for what Greg McCoach, Jeff Siegel, Nick Hodge, Chris Nelder and Brian Hicks would deliver Saturday.

And Saturday at 9 a.m., the presentations started . . . with a bang.

It took less than one hour for Greg McCoach, America’s leading gold guru, to have everyone, even me, drooling to buy not just a select group of junior mining stocks, but gold. Actual bars of gold.

Judging from how the stocks in his portfolio typically skyrocket–boasting a total portfolio gain of 618%–I don’t think anyone took a word that he said lightly.

With so many people antsy to own bullion, that would be a tough act to follow. But renewable energy expert Jeff Siegel nailed it.

In his hour, he outlined three of the most profitable renewable energy plays you can get your hands on for the coming year, where the overall sector is headed, and what you can expect in the future.

The back to back superstar presentations almost overloaded investors with fresh ideas and new market insights. But it didn’t stop there.

After a short coffee break, Nick Hodge revealed grand-slam plays in a sector that has destroyed market averages for years, delivered some of the largest dividends to date, could be considered the safest industry of all time, and yet has been kept under wraps from mainstream investors. Water.

Brian Hicks and Chris Nelder finished off the day showing investors exactly what to expect from the oil industry in the coming few years . . . and the exact plays you need to make to stay ahead of the imminent disaster that, Chris says, "is just around the corner."

Now, unfortunately, I can’t tell you about each and every pick made over the course of the summit here. I’d like to, but it just wouldn’t be fair to the people who attended the meetings.

But I have something better for you anyway.

You see, I found a way for you to get your hands on everything the attendees at the Angel Research Profit from the Peak Summit heard, read and received–every paper, presentation and advisory!


Simple. We made an audio recording of the whole thing. Every speaker, for both days. And now, we’re putting it online so you can get your hands on every one of these hot picks while they’re still fresh!

You can even get the summit on CDs so you can take it with you everywhere.

Best part is, while we’re still in the process of uploading everything, you can get it for just 3/41 the price of attending the conference.

While you won’t be able to mingle with investment geniuses such as Greg McCoach or Brian Hicks, this is the next best thing.

Click here to reserve your copy now!


James McAndrew
Conference Reporter

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