Strippers, Taxes and the Fight for Liberty

Jeff Siegel

Posted February 10, 2015

sttripperI’m not a huge fan of strip clubs.

When I was in my early twenties, and still incapable of getting laid on a regular basis, they were mildly entertaining. But these days, I just don’t see the point in dropping $100 for a couple of lap dances. It’s a massive waste of money, especially considering you can watch porn for free.

But hey, that’s just my take. And certainly I fault no man or woman for spending time at a strip club. What you do with your money is your business. But if a few tax-hungry lawmakers in Florida get their way, it could also be the state’s business.

Degenerate Outcasts

According to the Orlando Sentinel, there’s a new measure being proposed in Florida that would impose a $10 entry fee on top of any other existing admission charges for strip clubs. As well, it would require these businesses to keep records of customers.

Can you imagine going into a strip club and having to give your name along with a special $10 tax?

You know, I’m so sick and tired of strippers and strip club patrons being treated as degenerate outcasts. It just seems like every person that’s somehow involved in the adult entertainment industry is constantly under scrutiny from both the morality police and tax collectors who know that most folks won’t fight aggression against strippers, porn stars and escorts.

The bottom line is that theft is theft. I don’t care if the government steals from an accountant, a school teacher or beautiful woman who shakes her tits for a living. To target one individual for increased theft over another, based on chosen occupation, takes this exercise in tyranny to a completely different level.

But it’s only a sin tax, right?

Fuck that!

If we want to be real about “sin” taxes, I propose an 80% tax on all income for lawmakers who pimp themselves out for campaign contributions. Ignoring an oath to protect the Constitution in exchange for some filthy lucre is a much bigger sin than smoking, drinking or paying for a blow job. Although I don’t really find Marlboros, bourbon or consensual oral sex to be sinful.

The Legitimacy of Strip Clubs

Much like most tax scams, this one is being paraded around as a way to raise money for a fund that helps victims of human trafficking.

Matt Gaetz, the chairman of the House Finance and Tax Committee said he’s confident that there’s some link between illegal human trafficking and the adult entertainment industry.

What he fails to mention, however, is that these human trafficking abuses aren’t monopolized by the adult entertainment industry, and in fact, probably have nothing to do with the legitimate adult entrainment industry at all – which of course, is often hurt the most by government threats of theft and violence.

If Gaetz is down for a “sin” tax for strip clubs – in an effort to raise funds for victims of human trafficking, then shouldn’t he be down for “sin” taxes on any industry where human trafficking is common? These would include:

  • Agriculture
  • Domestic service
  • Construction
  • Transportation
  • Restaurants
  • Sweatshops

How about a $10 fee for iPhones, apples and sweatshirts, too?

While I find few things more honorable than fighting against the plague of human trafficking, this is not something the government can fix by stealing ten bucks from strip club patrons and invading their privacy. As well, the fact that only strip clubs are being targeted tells me that this has a lot more to do with lawmakers trying to institute some kind of moral code than it does with helping victims of human trafficking.

In fact, committee member Scott Placon actually said that the legislation would give strip clubs the legitimacy they don’t deserve.

While Placon seems to oppose the legislation, for which he should be applauded, his statement about legitimacy speaks volumes about this issue. He’s not the only one who feels this way. But why aren’t strip clubs legitimate? They provide a service, they provide employment, and they pay their taxes. Strip clubs are no less legitimate than grocery stores and restaurants.

Truth is, if these lawmakers want to talk about legitimacy, they should be careful, as one could easily argue against the legitimacy of the very government they work for.

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Jeff Siegel
The Libertarian Treehugger

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