The Future of Agriculture Technology

Jason Williams

Posted March 20, 2023

There’s been a lot of talk over the past few years about the future of agriculture technology and getting more electric vehicles out onto the farms and ranches of America.

Unfortunately, none of the people talking about that have any experience in farming or ranching…

Nor do they have any understanding of how farms or ranches work.

Because if they did, they wouldn’t be wasting so much breath, so much energy, and so much money trying to convince farmers to electrify their farms.

Farming Ain’t a 9-to-5 Job

You see, gas- and diesel-powered tractors, combines, and trucks can technically run 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

All you have to do is haul a tanker of fuel out to your field and top them off. And that’s exactly what farmers do during the harvest season.

That’s because they have a limited time to get everything out of the fields.

Crops aren’t ready to harvest one acre at a time… All several thousand acres are ready all at once.

And if you leave the crops in the field too long, you run the risk of your corn molding and your soybeans rotting.

So when those crops are ready, you run that harvesting equipment all day long and all night long for as long as it takes to harvest all your crops.

night harvest

You just can’t do that with electric vehicles.

Just think of the time it takes to charge a typical electric car. Even if you have a supercharger, it’s going to take you at least 30 minutes to get that battery up to a reasonable range.

And that’s a TINY battery compared with what it would take to power a 17,000-pound harvester.

For something that big, you’re looking at an equally big battery. And the bigger the battery, the longer it takes to charge.

So to get a farm-sized battery fully charged from zero, you’re looking at a couple of hours minimum.

You’d then be able to drive your harvester for about five hours before needing to drive it back to your charging station and plug it in for another few hours.

Or you can hire an EV technician and buy extra batteries (at a few hundred grand apiece) and swap them out every time they die.

Neither is a really efficient solution, and neither is likely to happen anytime soon.

Cleaning up This Town

But there is an alternative to exhaust-puffing, diesel-chugging, pollution-spewing farm equipment.

And if you know farmers the way I know farmers, you’ll know that they’re some of the most environmentally conscious people in the world.

They literally depend on the land to feed their families. And they want to take good care of that land so that it can continue to be productive for centuries to come.

They’re stewards of the land they farm, taking care of it for the next generation to benefit from.

And they’re ready for an alternative to gas- and diesel-powered equipment. They’re just not going to take it kindly if you tell them it has to be battery-powered.

That’s a non-starter when it means you can’t actually farm (or that you have to own 10 times the amount of machines just to keep running when you need to).

But farmers will get excited about a zero-emission power source that can provide as much “umph” as a diesel engine.

In fact, they’re already getting excited as they try them out in fields across the U.S. and Canada:

zero emission harvester

Notice anything “interesting” about the self-propelled combine harvester in that image?

Other than the fact that it’s not John Deere green, Ford blue, International Harvester red, or Case gray…

You might not, but there’s something incredibly interesting about it: It’s 100% emission-free.

And it’s not running on a battery…

Strong Enough for Farming, Gentle Enough for Greenpeace

It runs on an impressive fuel that was developed for a top-secret NASA project.

And it represents the real future of farming, despite what the EV industry might want you to believe.

Now, don’t get me wrong, EVs have their place in the future of transportation and mechanized equipment.

They make great cars for your daily driver. And they’ll make good delivery vehicles for things like last-mile transportation, replacing the Mercedes Sprinter and Ford Transit.

But they’re just not going to cut it when it comes to farming. Fortunately, this new zero-emission fuel will.

As you can see from that image I just shared, it’s already in use on farms across America.

It’s also being used to power forklifts in thousands of Amazon warehouses…

blue gas forklift

Buses and trains across Europe and Asia…

blue gas train

And big-rig trucks hauling freight across the United States….

blue gas semis

It’s even used in some commuter cars…

blue gas car

But despite these incredibly impressive accomplishments, the company ushering in this shift in industrial transportation, founded by the inventor of this fuel himself, isn’t even on the radar of most investors.

And that’s why I’m convinced it represents such a massive opportunity. This company is pioneering a whole new industry…

Yet its stock price is barely above $5 a share… because nobody is paying attention.

Eveyone is out looking for the next Tesla while this company’s developed a Tesla killer.

I want you on the winning side of this trade. So I’ve compiled everything I’ve learned about this incredible zero-emission fuel and the company leading the charge into an easy-to-read report.

In it, you’ll learn about the discovery of this incredible fuel. You’ll see the many types of equipment it’s already powering. You’ll learn about some of the companies harnessing it to drive their growth.

And most importantly, I’ll explain exactly how you can get invested today and secure the biggest profits as this small company becomes the dominant player in the industrial transportation markets.

I’ve done all the hard work. All you need to do is read the report and get yourself invested for the win.

To your wealth,


Jason Williams

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After graduating Cum Laude in finance and economics, Jason designed and analyzed complex projects for the U.S. Army. He made the jump to the private sector as an investment banking analyst at Morgan Stanley, where he eventually led his own team responsible for billions of dollars in daily trading. Jason left Wall Street to found his own investment office and now shares the strategies he used and the network he built with you. Jason is the founder of Main Street Ventures, a pre-IPO investment newsletter; the founder of Future Giants, a nano cap investing service; and authors The Wealth Advisory income stock newsletter. He is also the managing editor of Wealth Daily. To learn more about Jason, click here.

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