They Turned Sunlight and Water Into Green Fuel

Alex Koyfman

Posted May 6, 2021

Dear Reader,

What sort of place would the world be if you could take sunlight, air, and water and combine them into a 100% carbon-free fuel that could literally run anything… from the biggest ships on the high seas to the smartphone in your pocket?

This fuel would leave no carbon footprint whatsoever — not in the production phase nor in its final usage, with the only emissions consisting of water vapor and small quantities of nitrogen. 

That’s not all.

It would be usable in the vast majority of the 1.4 billion road-going vehicles in operation around the world today.

With minor modifications, an engine could be set up to switch between this green fuel and any traditional fossil fuel with the flip of a switch — not that there would be any reason to ever go back to gas or diesel.

Production facilities could be shipped to and set up anywhere, providing a mobile, universal fuel source that could be consumed anywhere or, if need be, fed into a generator and turned into electricity.

When used in tandem with solar or wind power generation facilities, production units could turn excess electricity produced in off-peak hours into readily storable liquid fuel, to be sold or turned back into power when demand dictated.

Just imagine all of this.

No more worries of choking our atmosphere with greenhouse gases.

No more foreign wars, catastrophic alliances, or domestic environmental abuses to secure the next decade’s worth of oil and gas.

A Post-Oil World?

It sounds too good to be true, but this idyllic portrait is in fact enticingly close to reality… The magical fuel that I’m describing actually exists and has been in limited usage for decades.

Science knows it as NH3. You know it as ammonia.

Yes, the stuff in your kitchen cleaner is actually the most promising heir apparent to the world energy heavyweight title.

More than 50 years ago, NASA used ammonia to propel the X-15 to an altitude of over 300,000 feet and a speed of Mach 6.7 — a record for winged aircraft that still stands today.

Thirty years prior to that, Hitler’s invasion of Europe caused the administrators of Belgium’s public bus system to implement ammonia as an alternative to diesel. 

As a fuel, however, ammonia remained a product of highly specialized application.

As of last year, the biggest segment of its $50 billion-a-year global market was agriculture, which accounted for 40% of the pie, but the much, much larger energy market remained elusive for two fundamental reasons: cost and environmental impact.

The Last Piece of the Puzzle

That was the reality for decades.

A recent technological innovation, however, has made it possible to produce ammonia in precisely the manner I described earlier.

Electricity, water, and air. Nothing else in. Nothing else out.

The product: liquid energy that can be safely packaged and transported, stored, or turned back into electricity as needed.

Advancements in ammonia production are picking up speed so fast that major global governing bodies such as the International Maritime Organization — an agency of the U.N. responsible for regulating heavy shipping — are starting to view it as the likely successor to marine diesel and natural gas, which the global heavy shipping industry gobbles up at a rate of 300 million tons per year.


Of course, with total world oil consumption exceeding 4.45 billion tons, the implications for commercial and private transportation are even greater.

Now, here’s where the story gets really interesting.

The patents for this technology are not the property of some energy giant like Exxon (NYSE: XOM) or BP (NYSE: BP), some tech monster like Tesla (NASDAQ: TSLA) or Alphabet (NASDAQ: GOOG), or any of the other usual suspects.

Will This Be the Tesla of Tomorrow?

As much as some of these companies might want this technology, either to exploit or to bury, it didn’t fall into any of their hands.

Just weeks ago, the patent became the property of a Toronto-based technology company whose name I’m willing to bet you’ve never heard.

Upon acquisition of the patent, this company immediately changed its name and ticker symbol to reflect the new focus.

That’s how small, how young, and how committed this firm is to bringing an ammonia-fueled future closer to realization.

Want numbers? The market capitalization of this company, as of this morning, was less than $75 million… The market it seeks to directly disrupt is worth up to $5 trillion.

The opportunity is one of the biggest I’ve ever seen in my career, with the potential to do more than just make investors unheard of gains.

It has the potential to actually change the world profoundly.

The problem is it’s not staying a secret much longer. Shares are already up close to 100% since the company reorganized.

Where it’ll be a year from now I have no idea, but I’m telling my readers to get ready for just about anything.

To get a look at a my full-length video presentation on the technology, the company, the market, and what the future might look like, click here.

Access is instant and completely free of charge.

This could be the most important investment story of our lifetime, but the word is already out. Don’t miss it. 

Fortune favors the bold,

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Alex Koyfman

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