This Sector Guarantees Returns Through 2050

Alex Koyfman

Posted April 11, 2023

When somebody tells you that they’ve got a 100% foolproof way to make money on the public markets, the safe and sane response is to take off running. 

And with good reason. 

"Foolproof" just isn’t part of the equation when it comes to any form of investing, and particularly with stocks. 

Risk is always part of the balance.

If your risk and reward levels are well balanced, then the investment, by definition, is sound. 

These days, however, nothing is ever cut and dried. 

But there is one sector in operation today where risk has been diminished to very close to zero. 

I’m talking about rechargeable batteries. 

They're Everywhere You Look… Tens of Billions of Them

First introduced by Sony in the early '90s to power their Walkman and Discman lines of personal audio devices, those small lithium-containing objects run your life today. 

Sony lithium battery

Your laptop would cease to be a portable computer without them. 

You could kiss that phone and tablet goodbye. 

That sleek Tesla you finally decided you're going to splurge for would be nothing more than a dream. 

Let me put the size of this thing into context for you…

As of 2021, there were 15 billion wireless devices in operation around the world. By 2030, that number could double

And that’s just one slice of the consumer electronics pie. 

Electric vehicles are expected to grow in number by as much as a factor of 10 by the end of the decade, with the trend not slowing as we near the middle of the century. 

There's legislation in place today that guarantees it, up to and including outright bans on fossil fuel-driven cars in some of the most densely populated areas of Europe.

Batteries will be the key to everything. 

The Age of the Battery Is Only Now Beginning

They will power your cars and they will power public transportation. 

They will start arriving in residential homes and buildings, to store power produced off the grid as we move toward electric decentralization. 

Overall, the battery market is going to more than triple by the year 2030 — which makes battery companies, and all those who support the industry, excellent investments for the growth-minded investor. 

lithium chart

But what are you going to do? Invest in Samsung or some Chinese lithium-ion battery maker that’s already got a market capitalization in the tens of billions?

Is that really how you’re going to play one of the most visible, most predictable bull markets in modern history?

Smart investors might hedge by buying up shares of some of the big boys especially now that stock prices in general have been beat up over the last couple months but they’re going to take their really big swings elsewhere. 

Lithium-ion, today’s rechargeable battery standard, will not be around forever. 

There are a number of reasons why, each potentially deadly to long-term market viability.

Lithium batteries are environmentally taxing to make and are unstable in use as evidenced by the gradually increasing rate of battery fires across the nation.

Li-Ion Was the Coal of the Rechargeable Industry… Now Time for the Rocket Fuel

They’re slow to charge and, at the end of the day, don’t hold enough power. 

Any one of these shortcomings could easily relegate the Li-ion standard to the history books, but only if the right alternative comes along.

What the best investors in the world are searching for right now is that next standard in rechargeable battery tech. 

I believe I’ve found not just the technology that will supplant lithium-ion, but the company that will bring it to you. 

Below are just a few figures about these next-generation batteries that should illustrate why I’m so confident. I’m using EVs as the benchmark to put things into perspective:

  • 3 times the power capacity: Equivalent to more than 1,000 miles between charges on most EVs.
  • 3–5 times the service in terms of charge/discharge cycles: The batteries will last over 1 million miles.
  • 70 times the charge speed: Can go from zero to 100% charged in less time than it takes to pump a tank of gas.

These benefits alone should cause most EV and consumer electronic makers to raise their eyebrows, but it gets even better. 

These batteries are nearly indestructible and pose virtually zero risk of fire. 

They require zero lithium or any other materials sourced from potentially hostile foreign powers — in the case of lithium, the Chinese Communist Party. 

Excited Yet?

If you can’t tell by the performance stats, these batteries are revolutionary, and not just in function but in design as well. 

And this isn’t all just lofty hopes and dreams, either. These batteries are in production today. 

They could be appearing in common consumer electronics by the end of the year. 

Now, since you’re an investor, here’s the best part: The company behind all this isn’t some multibillion-dollar giant operating in a dozen different sectors. 

It’s a relatively small, highly focused tech company with a market cap of less than $150 million as of this morning. 

Yes, the company trades. In fact, you can own shares in just a few minutes if you have access to any common online brokerage platform. 

The real potential will unfold in the coming months and years.

I’m so convinced that this may be the smartest way to play the rechargeable battery bull market that I had my video team produce a special presentation for the benefit of our readers.

It’s quick and informative and will help you get your due-diligence process underway

It’s also free and access is instant, but I urge you not to wait before viewing it. 

This story is too big to stay a secret for long… and there is so much to gain. 

Enter here and get informed.

Fortune favors the bold,

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Alex Koyfman

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His flagship service, Microcap Insider, provides market-beating insights into some of the fastest moving, highest profit-potential companies available for public trading on the U.S. and Canadian exchanges. With more than 5 years of track record to back it up, Microcap Insider is the choice for the growth-minded investor. Alex contributes his thoughts and insights regularly to Energy and Capital. To learn more about Alex, click here.

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