We're Heading for the Exit

Jason Williams

Posted April 1, 2022

Happy April Fools’ Day! And don’t worry, I didn’t miss the humor in the fact that I’m the one writing to you today.

But while I may occasionally act the fool, I’m not here to play a trick on you. Instead, I want to teach you a trick you can pull to make monster profits in the stock market.

I’ve already showed thousands of other investors how to do it. And they just recently got the opportunity to cash out a triple-digit gain thanks to it.

It’s the way that the rich and powerful stay rich and in power. It’s how countless politicians went from living paycheck to paycheck to being multimillionaires.

That’s why some people go so far as to call it the “Ex-Presidents Club.”

But now, for the first time in nearly 100 years, it’s something anyone with a bank account and an internet connection can do…

VIP Access

You see, most people think that the best way to make your money work for you is by investing in the stock market.

And for most of us, for the pasts 88-plus years, that’s been true. The stock market was the only place where you could capitalize on the growth of companies.

But for the 1%, the stock market has always been and will always be a sucker’s bet. And that’s because they all have access to a much more lucrative investment market.

And by law, it was kept off-limits to regular investors like you.

I’m talking about the ability to invest in private companies BEFORE they hit the stock market.

It’s how Al Gore went from being a middle-class politician to being a fat-cat multimillionaire.

It’s how Elon Musk turned a few million dollars from PayPal into a few hundred billion from Tesla.

And now it’s how you’re going to change your future…

Exit… Stage Right

A few years ago, I started a first-of-its-kind investment advisory service. It’s called Main Street Ventures.

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And it is what it sounds like: a path for Main Street investors like you to follow to become true venture capitalists.

Thanks to legislation slipped through Congress in the Jumpstart Our Businesses and Startups (JOBS) Act, the private markets are now open to every American with a bank account and an internet connection.

Now everyone can take part in the truly life-changing investments that have helped the elite maintain their status for so long.

And like I said, I’ve already helped thousands of investors just like you profit from this incredibly lucrative market.

Since founding Main Street Ventures in 2020, I’ve helped them access many opportunities to invest in private companies BEFORE they went public.

And even though we’ve only been at it for a few years, we’ve already got several successful exits under our belts…

Early last year, our first company went public in Canada. We’d invested at $0.50 per share right before the company went public. The stock listed at $0.80.

By the time our shares were eligible to be sold in the open market, the price had risen to $1.10 a share and we locked in a quick 67% gain.

Plus, we got warrants with that investment. Those are like options that give you the right to buy more shares at a set price in the future.

The warrants were for shares at $0.75 and we were able to exercise them and sell the shares for an instant 12% gain on top of what we’d already made.

We also got the opportunity to invest in a private round being raised by a public company. The company wanted to expand its operations and elected to raise money from investors instead of taking on debt.

We got a 25% discount on our shares for helping the company grow. And six months later, we were able to sell those shares on the open market for a 61% gain.

And just this past month, we got to cash out another winner. Another of our companies listed its stock on the public markets.

This time we invested in the company at $2 per share. The IPO price is $4. We’re doubling our money!

We’re Just Getting Started!

But the thing is, those are just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the kind of profits you can make in the private markets…

If you know where to look and how to avoid the pitfalls and money traps.

And that’s where I come into the picture. I’ve made a career out of helping people like you beat the folks I used to work with on Wall Street.

I’ve been in the trenches of the world’s biggest investment banks. I’ve run my own family office. I’ve helped my friends, family, and colleagues access the private markets for years.

Now I want to help you too. And now might be the best time ever to get a piece of the action…

That’s because, while I’m excited about our current investments and I’m happy with our exits, I know that we’re just getting started.

We’ve got investments that are poised to really blow up in the near future. Some of them are still open and accepting new investors.

One of them is a company that’s found a way to reduce levels of construction waste in landfills while also producing several products that can be sold for extra revenue.

It’s raising money at $1.25 per share. And the scuttlebutt is that it plans to IPO next year around $5 a share.

We’ve also got a cannabis company that’s helping cure the blight that swept California’s fields last year and caused billions of dollars in damage.

It’s about to finish its funding round and explore potential exits like an IPO to the Nasdaq.

Why Don’t You Join Us?

And those are just two of the open investments we’re looking at right now. There are even more exciting and profitable ones coming down the pike.

In fact, I’m actually out researching one right now. It’s a company that’s making money hand over fist in the burgeoning cryptocurrency sector.

It’s one of the most exciting opportunities I’ve ever seen. And it’s already public…

But I plan to show my investors how to get in at a substantial discount to where it’s trading.

And that’s the power of these types of investments. Not only can you capture the IPO excitement and get yourself a profitable exit, but you can get discounts on public stocks not offered anywhere else.

That’s how the rich stay rich. It’s how the powerful stay in power. And now it’s how you’re going to completely change the trajectory of your life.

So why don’t you join us? Then you can celebrate our next exit, too.

To your wealth,


Jason Williams

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After graduating Cum Laude in finance and economics, Jason designed and analyzed complex projects for the U.S. Army. He made the jump to the private sector as an investment banking analyst at Morgan Stanley, where he eventually led his own team responsible for billions of dollars in daily trading. Jason left Wall Street to found his own investment office and now shares the strategies he used and the network he built with you. Jason is the founder of Main Street Ventures, a pre-IPO investment newsletter; the founder of Future Giants, a nano cap investing service; and authors The Wealth Advisory income stock newsletter. He is also the managing editor of Wealth Daily. To learn more about Jason, click here.

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