What Is Black Lithium?

Alex Koyfman

Posted August 17, 2023

Dear Reader,

This may come as a shock to you, but right now our best chance to meet the exploding demand for lithium may come from the fossil fuel industry.

Sounds a bit conflicting, but let me show you just how simple it is: Lithium bicarbonate can be found in copious volumes in oil field brines the very same water that oil and gas companies use to harvest fossil fuels from deep inside the earth.

That's why I call it black lithium… because it literally comes from the oil production process.

Other than its source, it's the very same stuff that goes into your phone or laptop battery.

How much lithium are we talking about? Well, there’s a single property up in northwestern Alberta that contains an estimated 4.3 million tons of the metal dissolved in hundreds of brine ponds spread across 671 square miles. 

For decades, this property has been the domain of a small Canadian energy company, but just recently, a newly formed lithium company has contracted with the oil producer to process the brine. 

The technique it's using is new and revolutionary and has the ability to capture up to 97% of the dissolved lithium before returning the brine to the ponds for reuse. 

There is no exploration required. No drilling. No 24-month evaporation process. 

The Cheapest, Cleanest, Most Efficiently Produced Lithium Available Today

And because this method is so much faster and more efficient, salable lithium can be produced at extremely low prices — about $4,000 per ton. 

In a market where lithium is selling for over $70,000 per ton, the profit potential across the entire property is literally in the hundreds of billions of dollars. 

Now, the company behind this game-changing new process is young, but it’s already far along in its plans. It expects commercial production to commence sometime in the first half of next year. 

Plans to produce 20,000 tons annually are already in place. At today’s prices, that adds up to over $1.4 billion in pure profit every year.

That production capacity could be achieved in as little as two or three years.

Today, this company is valued at barely $20 million.

This time next year, that figure could easily be 10–20x higher, at which point a buyout by a major producer is highly likely. 

So Big That End Users Are Already Calling

Investors thinking about waiting until more progress is achieved should be wary, however, because this company is already being approached by major electric vehicle-makers as a source for their precious lithium. 

That’s because their only other viable solution will likely be China, where most EV-firms Tesla included get not just their lithium, but also their batteries. 

So that’s what black lithium is, in a nutshell… The same lithium, but harvested as a byproduct of fossil fuel production.

It’s not so crazy when you think about it, especially when you consider the fact that the people who started this new company are themselves veterans of the petrochemical industry. 

Because who better to exploit this industrial loophole than the people who understand oil and gas production better than anyone?

Just yesterday, I released my fully detailed research report to my premium readers, and right now I’m making it available to our free readership as well. 

Inside, you’ll get the full story, the facts, the figures, and even the profit projections for investors who get in at today’s prices. 

How much do I believe in this idea? Enough to have initiated my own position, which I plan to hold for at least a year, if not longer. 

Want a look at my research? Access is instant and free of charge. 

Enter here.

Fortune favors the bold,

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Alex Koyfman

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