Why Don’t We Have More Green Energy?

Jason Williams

Posted April 24, 2023

It’s a question many people have asked. Why don’t we have more green energy?

I mean, the first commercial solar panel was invented in 1881! That means cowboys in the Wild West could have charged their smartphones from the sun if they’d had them.

You’d think the world would be covered with solar panels over a century later. But it’s quite obviously not.

Then there are wind turbines. People have been harnessing the energy of the wind since before we even knew what energy really was.

One of the earliest recorded working windmill designs was developed sometime around 1,300 years ago in Persia.

The first wind turbine was invented in 1887, only a few years after the first solar panel. And still over a hundred years ago.

Yet we still rely on other sources for much of our global energy mix.

The reason is that while those inventions were able to harness the energy of the planet, they weren’t able to store it.

And a reliable method for storing it didn’t come around until the 1970s and the invention of the lithium-ion battery.

But even that had (and still has) its own compromises.

Lithium batteries rely on a very expensive metal to retain and release the energy they store.

They’re heavy. They’re bulky. And the lithium inside them is a highly reactive material that bursts into flames when exposed to oxygen.

So, despite finally having an option for storing the energy solar panels and wind turbines generate, we still weren’t confident enough to really push forward on renewable energy.

But thanks to a stimulus program that was snuck into the Inflation Reduction Act while nobody was looking, that’s all about to change.

And one particular company is poised to lead the charge to reliable renewable energy…

Billions for Better Batteries

Hidden deep within the hundreds of pages of the Inflation Reduction Act lies a clause that is expected to completely transform the energy storage industry.

And it’s already started to do so by extending a massive tax credit to any company that develops grid-level energy storage projects in the U.S.

It’s literally opened the floodgates for the energy storage industry, as a tax credit that used to only apply to a small percentage of projects can now extend to any energy storage operation of 5 kW or more.

That’s going to open the door to potentially millions more energy storage facilities all over the country.

And that would allow us to finally accelerate our transition away from polluting fuels and toward a more sustainable future.

But nobody seems to be paying attention to the industry despite the multibillion-dollar government stimulus headed its way.

I guess everyone is too busy trying to figure out which electric vehicles actually qualify for the $7,500 credits.

But the thing is that those EVs aren’t going to help ease pollution from fossil fuels if the energy we use to charge them comes from burning coal, oil, or natural gas.

So all that effort would be for naught if we don’t figure out a way to generate more energy using cleaner means… and figure out how to save that energy for later.

Because, as many antagonists will say, the wind doesn’t always blow and the sun doesn’t always shine.

But with the right technology, we can make it seem like neither ever stops giving us the power we need to survive.

And I’m convinced that a relatively new spin on a very reliable energy storage technology is going to make up the lion’s share of those projects the bill will fund…

A Battery That NEVER Dies

One of the issues with lithium-ion batteries for energy storage is their massive upfront cost. Even now, after prices have fallen a good 70% from their peak, lithium still costs well over $37,000 per ton.

The batteries are also moderately dangerous since that expensive lithium is also highly reactive to the oxygen in the air we breathe.

When it comes into contact with oxygen, lithium bursts into flames and can burn for days as it leaches out toxic black smoke.

But you probably already know about that because everyone knows lithium is expensive and everyone has seen the headlines about building fires caused by exploding batteries.

Something you might not know about lithium batteries is that they have a shelf life and eventually won’t store energy anymore…

After so many charging and discharging cycles, they lose effectiveness and store less and less energy until, finally, they give up.

But that’s not all. They also lose energy while they’re just sitting there storing it. Not a ton of energy, but some energy nonetheless.

It’s like having a tiny hole in a bucket and trying to store your water in it… Every time you go to get some water, there’ll be a little less than there was when you left it.

When you need to be able to rely on energy storage facilities in an emergency, though, that just doesn’t cut it.

And when you’re paying millions of dollars for the lithium that goes into just one mega-sized battery pack, you shouldn’t have to deal with those kinds of faults.

But there IS a solution. And it uses inexpensive, easy-to-obtain materials like steel and concrete to store energy forever.

It’s not prohibitively expensive like those batteries made of the luxurious unobtanium lithium.

It doesn’t have any flammable parts, so it’ll NEVER burst into flames and spew toxic smoke for days.

It can hold energy FOREVER without losing any of its charge.

And its useful life is essentially infinite since you can just replace the steel parts now and then if they get corroded.

You see, it takes advantage of an infinite resource that no one country can ever have a monopoly on (like China’s near monopoly on lithium): gravity.

That’s why I’ve taken to calling it the “Newton Battery.”

You see, it works on the same principles as hydroelectric storage (or dams and reservoirs).

But it removes the necessity for building massive dams, the necessity for finding a valley to flood, and the necessity for using water (or any other liquid, for that matter) at all.

So it can be used high in the Swiss Alps, even during the depths of those cold Swiss winters when the water freezes…

And it can be used in the deserts of Saudi Arabia, where water is a very finite resource.

In fact, the Saudis have plans to use this energy storage technology to store the electricity they generate from what will be the world’s biggest solar array:

saudi solar field

It can be used anywhere hydroelectric power is generated or stored and anywhere it’s not as well.

And that’s why the company pioneering this new energy storage technology is already inking contracts with state governments here in the U.S. and national governments the world over.

A Budding Global Superpower

Both California and Texas are partnering with the company behind the Newton Battery to build and manage energy storage facilities intended to back up their power grids during times of peak demand.

The Saudis, as I already mentioned, plan to use its technology to store enough power to electrify over 4 MILLION homes.

The Swiss have already hooked it up to their national power grid and it’s supplying clean, green energy year-round for them.

fg newton battery

The Aussies “down undah” hope to replace the few lithium-ion battery storage projects they have that keep exploding with this new technology.

Even the Chinese, the biggest polluters in the history of the world, are partnering with the company behind the Newton Battery to help reinforce their power grid (and hopefully reduce their emissions like the rest of us).

But the investment world hasn’t caught onto just how popular this company and its Newton Battery have become.

Nor has it caught onto the tens of billions of dollars of government funding this firm is now eligible for thanks to that hidden clause in the Inflation Reduction Act.

So the company behind the Newton Battery is trading at a valuation that doesn’t even come close to reflecting its current value, let alone its future value.

And that disconnect is one that smart investors like yourself can exploit…

Your Chance to Build a Legacy

Because eventually, the market is going to be forced to pay attention to this budding global superpower.

Eventually it’ll have to stop ignoring the multimillion-dollar contracts that seem to be coming in practically daily.

Eventually, it’ll have to admit what we already know: that the Newton Battery is the future of energy storage.

And as that realization dawns on the institutional and retail investing worlds, the crowd will follow the profits and head right for the company that pioneered this revolution in energy storage.

That influx of investors will do what it always does: send share prices soaring.

And if you get invested now, it’ll be your shares that everyone is fighting to buy. And you’ll practically be able to name your price.

If I’m right about this, you could buy these shares for less than $5 today and sell them for more than $500 in just a few years’ time.

But you’ll have to make the final decision. What will it be?

Will you ride the wave of profits that’s all but guaranteed to come?

Or will you sit on the sidelines and watch as another new industry blossoms before your eyes and other people profit from it?

I know what decision I would make. I already made it.

Now it’s your turn.

To your wealth,


Jason Williams

follow basic @TheReal_JayDubs

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After graduating Cum Laude in finance and economics, Jason designed and analyzed complex projects for the U.S. Army. He made the jump to the private sector as an investment banking analyst at Morgan Stanley, where he eventually led his own team responsible for billions of dollars in daily trading. Jason left Wall Street to found his own investment office and now shares the strategies he used and the network he built with you. Jason is the founder of Main Street Ventures, a pre-IPO investment newsletter; the founder of Future Giants, a nano cap investing service; and authors The Wealth Advisory income stock newsletter. He is also the managing editor of Wealth Daily. To learn more about Jason, click here.

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