Why Is Jeff Bezos Giving Away Billions of Dollars?

Jason Williams

Posted June 9, 2023

When it comes to perks, Amazon really knows how to do it…

The company and its founder, Jeff Bezos, pretty much created the entire online retail industry.

They also revolutionized the way products are delivered by giving early members free two-day shipping.

And now Prime members may see their phone bills disappear as Bezos throws in cell service as another benefit of membership in his program.

amazon free phones

They’re all great reasons to be a Prime customer. But they’re nothing compared with Bezos’ other, more secretive program…

$16 BILLION and Counting

You see, for nearly the entire history of Amazon’s existence, a small group of investors have been collecting annual payouts that have added up to over $16 billion so far.

But owning Amazon’s stock has nothing to do with the massive payouts they’ve been cashing in year after year.

Being a Prime member doesn’t get you access, either. This is a program Bezos wants to keep as quiet as possible, so there’s literally no fanfare at all…

Just an announcement every few months of when the payments will be made and how big they’ll be when they come.

Like I said, they’ve already added up to well over $16 BILLION… and the next one is about to hit and make that pile of cash even bigger.

You see, they’re not done growing by a longshot. And practically every time Amazon’s revenues go up, so do these payments.

That’s why this year’s total is expected to raise the total payout these investors have received to nearly $20 BILLION!

That’s another $3 BILLION and change going out in 2023 and adding onto that massive pile of cash that's already been paid out and collected.

But, again, like I said, it’s a program Bezos doesn’t want you to know about. That’s why he’s not making big announcements like he is about the free phones.

fire phone

Make no mistake, though, this program is FAR more advantageous than anything Amazon has ever advertised to its customers and stock investors.

More Cash Coming NEXT WEEK

I mean, it’s already paid out tens of billions of dollars and it’s still just getting started, adding more and more money to the payments every year.

I uncovered it several years ago and spent months doing research to make sure it was as good as it appeared.

And when I was thoroughly convinced, I recommended getting involved to the members of my premium investing community, The Wealth Advisory.

We’ve been collecting these steady and growing payments for over half a decade now and are getting ready to collect the next one in just a few days.

And that’s why I’m writing to you about it today…

The next payment is scheduled to go out on June 14. That’s this coming Wednesday.

And this portion of the annual payment should be worth a little more than $803 million!

I don’t know about you, but I can think of a ton of things to spend $803 million on. Heck, I’d be happy with just a small percentage of that kind of money.

And that’s exactly what I’m lined up to collect next Wednesday. As are the members of my investing community.

But that’s not good enough for me. I want you to get a share of this massive income stream too.

I want you to be able to go on vacation and relax, knowing you’re still making money even though you’re not working.

I want you to be able to retire and have a reliable, steady, growing stream of payments coming your way to make that retirement all the more enjoyable.

I want you to have that extra cash to reinvest in your portfolio, yourself, and your family.

And that’s probably the best part of this program. It’s not limited to gift cards that can only be used to buy stuff on Amazon…

It’s cold, hard cash in your account that you can do whatever you want with…

You can live off it. You can reinvest it. You can spend it on a lavish vacation. You can help pay for college tuition or a new car.

It’s your money and you can use it however you want.

Well, technically it’s not your money yet… You’ve got to get involved in the program before the next payment goes out for that to be the case.

Sign up, Sit Back, Collect Cash

So, to make it as easy as possible for the members of my investment community, I developed a full presentation outlining the opportunity and explaining exactly how to get your name on the list.

And today, I want to share that same information with you so you can experience the joy I and my fellow investors get every time one of these massive checks comes rolling in.

So check out my presentation today, before you do anything else. I don’t want you to get sidetracked and forget and miss this life-changing money.

Once you’ve digested the information, you’ll be all ready to get set up to start collecting payments just like me and the members of The Wealth Advisory have been doing for years.

Then you can sit back and enjoy the knowledge that no matter what happens in the stock market next week, you’ll be getting paid.

To your wealth,


Jason Williams

follow basic @TheReal_JayDubs

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After graduating Cum Laude in finance and economics, Jason designed and analyzed complex projects for the U.S. Army. He made the jump to the private sector as an investment banking analyst at Morgan Stanley, where he eventually led his own team responsible for billions of dollars in daily trading. Jason left Wall Street to found his own investment office and now shares the strategies he used and the network he built with you. Jason is the founder of Main Street Ventures, a pre-IPO investment newsletter; the founder of Future Giants, a nano cap investing service; and authors The Wealth Advisory income stock newsletter. He is also the managing editor of Wealth Daily. To learn more about Jason, click here.

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